256-760-9515 info@shoalshabitat.org

Campus Chapters

What is a campus chapter?

A campus chapter is a student-led, student-initiated organization on a high school or college campus that partners with the local Habitat affiliate.


Campus chapters partner with Habitat affiliates to build and rehabilitate homes in partnership with Habitat homeowners. There are many ways a campus chapter can get involved with building:

  • Working locally with a partner affiliate
  • Participating in a Collegiate Challenge
  • Going on a Global Village trip​


Campus chapters raise funds to support the work of local Habitat affiliates, contributing both to their local affiliates and to Habitat for Humanity’s global mission. Chapters may contribute through house sponsorship, the tithe program (donations to a Habitat for Humanity affiliate outside of the United States), general donation to Habitat for Humanity International and Collegiate Challenge Global Village.


Campus chapter leaders and members are advocates for affordable housing, helping increase awareness of the problem of substandard housing and calling for action to initiate change.

Act! Speak! Build! WeekWorld Habitat Day, and other campaigns through HFHI’s Government Relations and Advocacy department are all available to help chapters advocate for affordable housing.


Campus chapters educate others on their campuses and in their local communities about the mission and work of Habitat for Humanity. Many chapters offer speakers, do tabling and create other opportunities to inform their fellow students and members of their communities about the mission of Habitat.

Reach Us

PO Box 3135
Florence, AL 35630

Affiliate Office


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