256-760-9515 info@shoalshabitat.org

Government Partnerships

Habitat for Humanity International participates in a number of federal government programs.

About these government programs:
These programs were established by Congress to support housing organizations that work to revitalize and strengthen neighborhoods and provide simple, decent, affordable housing for lower-income individuals and families in the United States.

Why we participate:
Participating in these programs allows Habitat for Humanity to help U.S. affiliates grow, expand and, ultimately, serve more families. Equally important is the awareness Habitat places on using taxpayer money wisely and efficiently and complying with all government regulations.

About the application process:
Habitat for Humanity must compete for any recurring funds every year by submitting an application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

How we manage these funds:
If awarded funding, Habitat for Humanity International serves as the grant administrator and conducts its own application process with U.S. affiliates. Funding is then distributed to selected affiliates for use at the local level.

For more information about government grants:
Contact Donna Golden, director of government grants and lending resources, at 229-410-7514.

Reach Us

PO Box 3135
Florence, AL 35630

Affiliate Office


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